Pada kesempatan kali ini admin Tukang Copas akan membagikan sebuah cerpen dari yaitu tentang Cerpen Kehidupan yang berjudul "Tangisan di Tengah Gemuruh Desiran Ombak". Kali ini admin juga akan bagikan versi inggrisnya yang berjudul "The sound of crying in the Middle Thunderous waves". Yuk langsung saja kita simak berikut ini:
Mega biases at the end of the sky more golden tone.
while also becoming longer deteriorating and depleting. Gray atmosphere seen sneaking trailed in every jejakan horizon that no longer biased pattern mentarinya, which nian cahyanya dispelled. tertelankan ocean looks like stretching and vaporize very concentrated salty scent in the air until terhendus at the tip of the nose. The concentrated salty smell continued scattered to all shores of the beach, the distinctive aroma mencorakkan where I stand today, the scent that used to take me and would never be forgotten in the shadow of memories of long ago disappeared. Memories that continually portray someone Marum smile looks, like a piece of ripe apples that appear when bite.
At first sight these eyes closed and looked increasingly thin, as if trying me re-fracturing beautiful future that has long been apparent in the inner memory, and meraga in, up to the horizon across the park spirit soul in this heart.
Eyes also becoming longer membening luster.
Even small dew drops slowly being splashed smooth, unidirectional continuous buzzing waves roaring and smooth crawling on the end of white sand, deep in the beach there. Even to touch the soles of my feet is supple.
sea instantly overshadow restrictions mind, break my old inner weakness of fertilizer in the back of my heart is.
"Ah masah-kan I have to be sad like this, I've already promised kak fian case would not be sad anymore, maybe now he was looking for me, let ah! Better I just enjoy the rest of this evening, before the moon and circuits stars greet the sky after today "
Slowly this arm leads to both parts of my eye, and immediately took off moisture that slowly colonized this my face
"Ah my still beautiful ocean view from here, although no figure earth person very dear to me and I loved more than anything, but unfortunately now he has become a star in the night sky that will soon be up to me. I think I will be preceded transformed into stars in the night sky, but why? Why Roy who actually preceded me, I think he will be sad when I was in my mourning.
Ah but let's still there fian my brother who was always there to dye my age seemingly throughout the life of another person who is very lucky "Seems pretty shades of twilight live strains kemuningan speck of my current view.
The birds began noisily behind the tree branches that shade there, maybe they are busy calling each other in order to get ready for immediately fell asleep at dusk.
"Ah may Fian even so, surely-kan he was busy looking for me! Uh outrageous and I it's been grown up and can take care of myself my own, but bad luck my sickness this makes me unable to live independently, even this rod should I take it everywhere to accompany and keep me to be able to walk alone, what The second point in my legs that can not be used to run "
continued to recite my little murmur of my lips is, kumudian removed by the rigors of rustling waves continue to roll in, along with dry leaves, and a few bottles of mineral trash.Without me feel, immediately greet the night, the stars in the sky are now slowly color the quietness of the night sky at this time, although it is still filled with the sound of passing vehicles on the streets there.
Roar waves were more and more wild memderu sound, the sea seems immediately post. The wind began full rampant kedasyatan from the west, where the sun is setting.
Cough, minor strains appear splitting sound waves are heard by me at this time, the noise was coming from the back, where I was standing.
I'm not surprised, saw a face that always comes up when I'm stunned sad.
He appeared indifferent looking at me, looking at his cell phone."Ah how long are you there? Why fian not to tell that my case was sitting behind me! "
I said to kak fian that seems to have wafted by my presence.
For a moment he just set his hair rather long and blonde, then came slowly towards me, looking at his cell phone. Her hands then gently rubbed my hair which looks messy in the wind at night.
He looked at me with a smile that tersinar coldness of his cell phone, cold smile he always show every time they met with me.
"Iiiyy! Hell I'm not a child anymore, no longer need to be rubbed by you! "
"Ha ha ha ha! Even if you say you were an adult, but for me you were still my little Dian. Sister, who until now have I protected "
"Ah you shall say it again, I already know! It is difficult if my body was so weak. But the disease that I suffer today according to me is not the reason why you still treat me like a child all the time" For a moment he did not answer my question, but instead he returned messing about with his mobile phone was.Of course it makes my forehead frown upset.
"Hey did you hear what I say to you? Deaf whether your self? until the words I did not also you answer "
"Are not you who sent me this? Have you forgotten that you ever said to me, I do not ever change as time continues to spin, and others who have changed your view" He said lightly, to me.The grains he makes my lips silenced can not say any more.I then turned away from him, my eyes glazed towards the ocean, which now appears dark. But still I hear the whisper of the waves. Aroma asinnyapun can still ku ku inhaled by the nose.
Only a small cries of increasingly long dammed behind these eyes, and suddenly now collapsed and flooded my face.At first glance I thought I could hide my feelings from my brother fian, but apparently could not !.
Without me realizing my tears had been wiped by the thumb on my brother owned fian.
"Sorry! But do not think I cry, it's just my eyes exposed to sand in the wind fly "so I said, though I knew of course that's not the reason that is able to hide my feelings of sadness this.I just looked at the faces fian slightly obscure because it was dark, but still appears to look indifferent.
"I know why! How could you cry. But should you weep alone, because the next time you will not be as free as it tuk can cry, you assume me still children who do need to cry in order to feel satisfied, and come back a laugh "At that instant the sound of rustling waves were now mixed with a faint cry from a distance.
Surely the crying was coming from myself, now sobbing in the arms of my sister fian, and accompanied the light sequence stars in the sky and the moon in the night.
while also becoming longer deteriorating and depleting. Gray atmosphere seen sneaking trailed in every jejakan horizon that no longer biased pattern mentarinya, which nian cahyanya dispelled. tertelankan ocean looks like stretching and vaporize very concentrated salty scent in the air until terhendus at the tip of the nose. The concentrated salty smell continued scattered to all shores of the beach, the distinctive aroma mencorakkan where I stand today, the scent that used to take me and would never be forgotten in the shadow of memories of long ago disappeared. Memories that continually portray someone Marum smile looks, like a piece of ripe apples that appear when bite.
At first sight these eyes closed and looked increasingly thin, as if trying me re-fracturing beautiful future that has long been apparent in the inner memory, and meraga in, up to the horizon across the park spirit soul in this heart.
Eyes also becoming longer membening luster.
Even small dew drops slowly being splashed smooth, unidirectional continuous buzzing waves roaring and smooth crawling on the end of white sand, deep in the beach there. Even to touch the soles of my feet is supple.
sea instantly overshadow restrictions mind, break my old inner weakness of fertilizer in the back of my heart is.
"Ah masah-kan I have to be sad like this, I've already promised kak fian case would not be sad anymore, maybe now he was looking for me, let ah! Better I just enjoy the rest of this evening, before the moon and circuits stars greet the sky after today "
Slowly this arm leads to both parts of my eye, and immediately took off moisture that slowly colonized this my face
"Ah my still beautiful ocean view from here, although no figure earth person very dear to me and I loved more than anything, but unfortunately now he has become a star in the night sky that will soon be up to me. I think I will be preceded transformed into stars in the night sky, but why? Why Roy who actually preceded me, I think he will be sad when I was in my mourning.
Ah but let's still there fian my brother who was always there to dye my age seemingly throughout the life of another person who is very lucky "Seems pretty shades of twilight live strains kemuningan speck of my current view.
The birds began noisily behind the tree branches that shade there, maybe they are busy calling each other in order to get ready for immediately fell asleep at dusk.
"Ah may Fian even so, surely-kan he was busy looking for me! Uh outrageous and I it's been grown up and can take care of myself my own, but bad luck my sickness this makes me unable to live independently, even this rod should I take it everywhere to accompany and keep me to be able to walk alone, what The second point in my legs that can not be used to run "
continued to recite my little murmur of my lips is, kumudian removed by the rigors of rustling waves continue to roll in, along with dry leaves, and a few bottles of mineral trash.Without me feel, immediately greet the night, the stars in the sky are now slowly color the quietness of the night sky at this time, although it is still filled with the sound of passing vehicles on the streets there.
Roar waves were more and more wild memderu sound, the sea seems immediately post. The wind began full rampant kedasyatan from the west, where the sun is setting.
Cough, minor strains appear splitting sound waves are heard by me at this time, the noise was coming from the back, where I was standing.
I'm not surprised, saw a face that always comes up when I'm stunned sad.
He appeared indifferent looking at me, looking at his cell phone."Ah how long are you there? Why fian not to tell that my case was sitting behind me! "
I said to kak fian that seems to have wafted by my presence.
For a moment he just set his hair rather long and blonde, then came slowly towards me, looking at his cell phone. Her hands then gently rubbed my hair which looks messy in the wind at night.
He looked at me with a smile that tersinar coldness of his cell phone, cold smile he always show every time they met with me.
"Iiiyy! Hell I'm not a child anymore, no longer need to be rubbed by you! "
"Ha ha ha ha! Even if you say you were an adult, but for me you were still my little Dian. Sister, who until now have I protected "
"Ah you shall say it again, I already know! It is difficult if my body was so weak. But the disease that I suffer today according to me is not the reason why you still treat me like a child all the time" For a moment he did not answer my question, but instead he returned messing about with his mobile phone was.Of course it makes my forehead frown upset.
"Hey did you hear what I say to you? Deaf whether your self? until the words I did not also you answer "
"Are not you who sent me this? Have you forgotten that you ever said to me, I do not ever change as time continues to spin, and others who have changed your view" He said lightly, to me.The grains he makes my lips silenced can not say any more.I then turned away from him, my eyes glazed towards the ocean, which now appears dark. But still I hear the whisper of the waves. Aroma asinnyapun can still ku ku inhaled by the nose.
Only a small cries of increasingly long dammed behind these eyes, and suddenly now collapsed and flooded my face.At first glance I thought I could hide my feelings from my brother fian, but apparently could not !.
Without me realizing my tears had been wiped by the thumb on my brother owned fian.
"Sorry! But do not think I cry, it's just my eyes exposed to sand in the wind fly "so I said, though I knew of course that's not the reason that is able to hide my feelings of sadness this.I just looked at the faces fian slightly obscure because it was dark, but still appears to look indifferent.
"I know why! How could you cry. But should you weep alone, because the next time you will not be as free as it tuk can cry, you assume me still children who do need to cry in order to feel satisfied, and come back a laugh "At that instant the sound of rustling waves were now mixed with a faint cry from a distance.
Surely the crying was coming from myself, now sobbing in the arms of my sister fian, and accompanied the light sequence stars in the sky and the moon in the night.
Tangisan di Tengah Gemuru Desiran Ombak
Bias-bias mega di ujung langit sana semakin keemasan coraknya.
waktu pun kian lama memuruk dan makin menipis. Suasana kelabu terlihat
mengendap-endap membuntuti di setiap jejakan cakrawala yang tak lagi
terbiaskan corak mentarinya, yang nian memupus cahyanya. laksana
tertelankan samudra yang terlihat membentang luas dan menguapkan aroma
asin yang amat pekat di udara sampai terhendus di ujung hidung. Bau asin
pekat itu terus bertebaran ke segala pesisir-pesisir bibir pantai ini,
mencorakkan aroma yang khas di tempat aku berdiri saat ini, aroma yang
dulu sering ku nikmati dan takkan pernah terlupakan dalam bayangan
kenangan lampau lama menghilang. Kenangan yang terus menerus
mengambarkan senyuman seseorang yang marum terlihat, bagai sepenggal
buah apel yang nampak ranum saat di gigit.
Sepintas mata ini kian terpejam dan menatap tipis, seakan berusaha
me-rekah ulang masa indah yang telah lama menjadi ingatan semu dalam
batin, dan meraga dalam, sampai ke ufuk jiwa di seberang taman ruh hati
Tatapan mata pun kian lama membening kilap.
Tetesan embun kecil pun perlahan terus memercik halus, searah deruan ombak yang terus menerus menderu dan merayap halus di ujung pasir putih, jauh di bibir pantai sana. Bahkan sampai menyentuh gemulai telapak kaki ku ini.
Bui-bui laut seketika menaungi batasan pikiran, memecah kelemahan batin yang lama ku pupuk di punggung hati ku ini.
“Ah masah-kan aku harus bersedih seperti ini, aku kan sudah berjanji pada kak fian kalau-kalau takkan bersedih lagi, mungkin sekarang ia sedang mencari ku, ah biarlah! Lebih baik ku nikmati saja sisa senja ini, sebelum rembulan dan rangkaian-rangkaian bintang menyapa langit sesudah saat ini”
Perlahan lengan ini menjurus ke kedua belahan mata ku, dan segera menanggalkan embun yang perlahan menjajahi wajah ku ini.
“Ah masih indah ku pandang samudra dari sini, walaupun tanpa gerangan
sesosok orang yang amat ku sayangi dan ku cintai lebih dari apapun,
tapi sayang kini ia telah menjelma menjadi bintang di langit malam yang
akan segera menghampiri ku. Ku kira aku yang akan mendahuluinya menjelma
menjadi bintang di langit malam, tapi mengapa? Mengapa Roy yang malah
mendahului ku, ku pikir ia yang akan bersedih saat aku berada dalam
perkabungan ku.
Ah tapi biarlah kan masih ada fian abang ku yang selalu ada untuk
mewarnai umur ku yang kelihatannya tak sepanjang usia orang lain yang
amat beruntung”
Kelihatanya alunan kemuningan corak senja tinggal setitik saat ku pandang.
Burung-burung pun mulai ribut di balik cabang-cabang pohon yang rindang di sana, mungkin mereka sedang sibuk memanggil satu dengan yang lain agar bersiap-siap untuk segera terlelap menjelang senja.
“Ah mungkin Fian pun begitu, pasti-kan ia sedang sibuk mencari ku! Uh
keterlaluan padahal aku ini kan sudah beranjak dewasa, dan bisa menjaga
diri ku sendiri, tapi sial penyakit ku ini membuat ku tak bisa hidup
mandiri, bahkan tongkat ini harus ku bawa ke mana-mana untuk menemani
dan menjaga ku agar mampu berjalan sendiri, apalah gunanya kedua kaki ku
kalau tak bisa di gunakan untuk berjalan”
gumaman kecil terus ku lantunkan dari kedua bibir ku ini, kumudian di hilangkan oleh kerasnya desiran ombak yang terus bergulung-gulung, bersama dedaunan kering, dan beberapa sampah botol mineral.
Tanpa ku rasakan, malam pun segera menyapa, taburan bintang di langit
pun kini perlahan mewarnai heningnya langit malam saat ini, meskipun
masih di penuhi suara kendaraan yang lalu lalang di jalanan sana.
Deruan ombak pun kian lama kian memderu liar bunyinya, nampaknya laut segera pasang. Angin pun mulai merajarela penuh kedasyatan dari arah barat, tempatnya mentari terbenam.
Suara batuk, kecil nampak membelah suara alunan ombak yang terdengar oleh ku saat ini, suara itu datang dari arah belakang, tempat ku berdiri.
Aku tak terkejut, melihat sesosok wajah yang selalu muncul saat ku sedang tertegun sedih.
Ia nampak memandang tak acuh pada ku sambil memandangi ponsel miliknya.
“Ah sudah berapa lama kau di sana? Mengapa kak fian tak memberitau ku kalau-kalau sedang duduk di belakang ku!”
Ucapku pada kak fian yang tampaknya telah tercium keberadaannya oleh ku.
Sesaat ia hanya menyetel rambut miliknya yang agak panjang dan pirang itu, kemudian mendekat perlahan ke arah ku sambil memandangi ponsel miliknya. Tangannya kemudian mengusap lembut rambut ku yang nampak acakan di tiup angin malam.
Ia memandang ku dengan senyuman dinginnya yang tersinar ponsel miliknya, senyuman dingin yang selalu ia tunjukan setiap kali bertemu dengan ku.
“Iiiyy! Apaan sih aku kan bukan anak kecil lagi, tak perlu diusap-usap lagi oleh mu!”
“Hahahaha! Biarpun kamu berkata kamu itu sudah dewasa, namun bagi ku
kamu itu tetap Dian kecil ku. Adik, yang sampai sekarang harus aku
“Ah tidak usah kamu katakan lagi, aku sudah tau! Memang sulit jika
tubuh ku ini begitu lemah. Tapi penyakit yang ku derita saat ini juga
menurut ku bukan alasan mengapa kamu masih saja memperlakukan ku seperti
anak kecil sedari dulu”
Sesaat ia tak menjawab pertanyaan ku, tapi ia malah kembali mengotak atik ponsel miliknya itu.
Tentu hal itu membuat kening ku mengkerut kesal.
“Hey apa kau dengar apa yang ku katakan pada mu? Tuli kah diri mu? hingga kata-kata ku tak juga kau jawab”
“Bukankah kau sendiri yang menyuruh ku begini? Apakah kau sudah lupa,
bahwa kau pernah berkata pada ku, jangan pernah aku berubah sama
seperti waktu yang terus berputar, dan orang lain yang telah berubah
memandang mu”
Ucapnya enteng, pada ku.
Bulir-bulir katanya membuat bibir ku terbungkam tak dapat berkata-kata lagi.
Aku kemudian memalingkan wajah darinya, tatapan ku sayu ke arah
samudra, yang kini nampak gelap. Tapi masih bisa ku dengar desiran
ombaknya. Aroma asinnyapun masih bisa ku terhirup oleh hidung ku.
Hanya tangisan kecil saja yang terbendung kian lama di balik mata ini, dan tiba-tiba saja kini ambruk dan membanjiri wajah ku.
Sepintas ku kira aku bisa menyembunyikan perasaan ku ini dari abang ku fian, namun nampaknya tak bisa!.
Tanpa ku sadari air mata ku telah di usap oleh jempol milik abang ku fian.
“Maaf! Tapi jangan kira aku menangis, hanya saja mata ku terkena pasir yang di terbangkan angin”
begitu ucap ku, walau ku tau tentunya itu bukan alasan yang mampu menyembunyikan perasaan sedih ku ini.
begitu ucap ku, walau ku tau tentunya itu bukan alasan yang mampu menyembunyikan perasaan sedih ku ini.
Aku hanya memandang wajah fian yang sedikit tak jelas karena gelap, tapi nampak terlihat masih tak acuh.
“Aku tau kok! Mana mungkin kamu menangis. Tapi sebaiknya kamu
menangislah saja, sebab lain kali kamu takkan sebebas ini tuk bisa
menangis, akukan menganggagap mu masih anak-anak yang memang perlu untuk
menangis agar merasa puas, dan kembali tertawa”
Saat itu juga suara desiran ombak pun kini bercampur tangisan yang
samar dari kejauhan. Tentunya tangisan itu berasal dari diri ku yang
kini tersedu dalam pelukan kakak ku fian, dan di temani cahaya rangkaian
bintang di langit dan rembulan di malam ini.
Sekian Cerpen yang dapat admin bagikan, semoga menghibur ya..
Sekian Cerpen yang dapat admin bagikan, semoga menghibur ya..